Nursing Home Care
For close people we are all ready to do anything. But, unfortunately, sometimes there is simply no possibility to be near your close people – work and crazy pace of modern life take away all our time. But what if a close person is sick and needs constant and special care, which, with the best will in the world, can not be provided by unskilled person? Then we recommend to look for a good nurse.
A nurse is a specialist with a medical education who knows all the nuances of home care for sick people, who will take on the entire list of duties. Professional services of a nurse include not only monitoring timely taking of pills, ensuring clean bed linen, but also helping with walking, preventing possible bedsores, helping with meals and other necessary procedures for patient. In the hospital, such specialist treats patient with utmost care, because he only deals with one person, unlike nurses, who rush about filled rooms.
A Nurse is One of the Oldest Professions
A nurse is one of the oldest professions, which has not lost its relevance, despite current sky-high level of medical science and practice. Only good care of patients contributes to favorable course of the disease, relief of suffering and can give a chance for recovery. Yes, in current conditions, high-quality nurses are still in demand and are in great deficit.
There is a list of mandatory requirements for a good nurse. Firstly: a good nurse is a born psychologist, gifted with a talent for caring for sick people. Secondly: nurse is a competent and experienced specialist. Thirdly: she must inspire people to believe in themselves, in their own strengths, be optimistic, considerate, friendly and therefore positively influence psyche of patient.
A nurse is a person to whom a patient can speak out. But a nurse is not a chatty neighbor next door. A good nurse is a real professional. Personnel agencies, as a rule, have their own methods of selecting candidates. The main points of tests are psychological stability, low anxiety threshold, tolerance, knowledge of standards of cleanliness and ability to clean the house properly and quickly. The nurse must know etiquette, basics of psychology, how to dress, serve the table and maintain conversation.
Presence of medical practice in the nurse experience, for example, ability to make an injection, is welcomed, but not mandatory. Although ordinary hygienic care for elderly person is mandatory requirement for candidate. If all requirements are met, then it’s worth paying attention to nuances: you can choose a nurse with knowledge of art history, literature, cinema, floriculture, beekeeping, pet lover. Truly religious nurses are especially appreciated.
News & Updates
Survey Content
Avalere Health, LLC fielded a survey between October 3 rd and October 17th among members of the Alliance for Quality Nursing Home Care and other providers of nursing facility care. The survey contained questions regarding: » Actions facilities plan to take in response to the payment reduction in the FY 2012 SNF final rule » Changes that facilities made in response to the implementation of MDS 3.0 and RUG-IV There were 292 complete responses, representing at least 2,932 facilities
Care Context SPRING 2012
Impact of Payment Reductions on Nursing Facilities Payment Cuts leading to Nursing Facility layoffs and Cancellation of New Jobs AS PART OF THe “middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012” passed in February, Congress cut medicare payments to nursing facilities by reducing reimbursement for so-called medicare “bad debt” – medicare co-payments not made by beneficiaries or state medicaid programs. Facilities have no legal avenue to collect bad debt from state medicaid agencies. This cut comes on the heels of an
An Evaluation of the Basic Method in Nursing Home Ranking Systems
Comparing Nursing Home Quality And Performance: An Evaluation of the Basic Method in Nursing Home Ranking Systems Introduction Selecting a nursing home to provide care for oneself or a family member can be a difficult decision. In an effort to assist consumers in evaluating the quality of nursing facilities, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) developed a database providing detailed information about current and prior performance of Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing homes throughout the United States.
Care Context JANUARY 2010
Rehospitalizations From Skilled Nursing Facilities A Multifaceted Issue That Calls for Innovative Policy Solutions Introduction THERE IS BROAD INTEREST in improving the quality and efficiency of the health care system in the United States. Policymakers are increasingly focused on the rate of rehospitalizations as an area for potential improvement.1,2 An estimated one-fifth of Medicare beneficiaries who are discharged from the hospital are readmitted within 30 days. Ninety percent of those admissions are unplanned, and they cost Medicare an estimated $17.4 billion in 2004.3,4 In addition
Update to Payer-Specific Financial Analysis Of Nursing Facilities
Purpose To update The Lewin Group payer-specific financial analysis (released in March 2002) of the nursing facility industry using data collected from a purposive sample of providers . The prior study determined how a change in Medicare payments, related to the skilled nursing facility (SNF) prospective payment system (PPS) and the potential removal of the BBRA/BIPA add-on provisions, would affect responding nursing facilities’ Medicare and total margins. Read More
Care Context SEPTEMBER 2011
Nursing Facilities Cost-Effectively Treat an Increasingly Complex Patient Population, Benefiting Seniors and Taxpayers AS dEFICIT REdUCTION WILL REMAIN a paramount objective for Congress this fall, policymakers should consider nursing facilities’ (NFs) ability to treat patients with certain hospital diagnoses at a lower cost to Medicare than other facility-based post-acute care (PAC) providers. As a lower-cost institutional setting, with the ability to provide highquality care to a broad range of patients, NFs are poised to be a critical part of Congressional and CMS efforts

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Research: How to Save on Long-Term Nursing Care for Seniors
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